as of today, i officially live in the most expensive city in the world. on earth. of the universe. anywhere. london. i guess we always suspected that, considering a ticket on the heathrow express is 27 pounds for a 15min ride and back. i better stop right here before this gets out of hand as a long tirade on extortionate prices in london...
unfortunately, london is also the place with only the 6th-best-paid people. the researchers forgot to measure productivity at the same time, and that would have proven to the world that london salaries are more driven by living cost than performance. well, you cannot work your ass off when you sit on it while stuck on a train for 2 hours every day!
cd of the day: employment
unfortunately, london is also the place with only the 6th-best-paid people. the researchers forgot to measure productivity at the same time, and that would have proven to the world that london salaries are more driven by living cost than performance. well, you cannot work your ass off when you sit on it while stuck on a train for 2 hours every day!
cd of the day: employment
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