Monday, July 31, 2006

b.b. boris

i just read for the first time about the events in qana on mazen's blog. nothing that would not sound like a cliche comes to mind, so i won't comment in this posting. mazen has said it all again anyway, in a very poignant drawing.

i originally wanted to post about the history of the word *bonk*, coined in 1986 by the daily star in a loose context with boris becker. or so google and my friend lee say. it was the year that b.b. won wimbledon (first or second time?). i'm impressed that has it listed! do you non-native english-speakers know what *to get a bonk on the nose* means? or what *a bonk* is in american english? a clue: nothing obscene, but may be used in a sports context. which brings us back to boris b. the timing seems not quite right though. boris was not yet known for doing women in broom cupboards then, so where's the connection in 1986?


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