Tuesday, December 04, 2007

december market

i'm not a lotto millionnairess just yet, but germany's 43 million will be mine on wednesday. mine! MINE!
meanwhile, vivienne westwood (no introduction necessary) has published her manifesto calling for active resistance to the propaganda of consumerism and youth cult. she launched it in the wallace collection, of all places, last saturday. i was not invited.

it's december, and i'm awaiting the monthly bulletin of the german comedy ambassador. when i saw him on stage in the funny side club, covent garden, he picked on me for being east german. quote: *you disgust me!* and he wanted his begruessungsgeld back! that's a done deal, if i could get my wall back, please. anyway, we are a tolerant bunch, we ossis. so where is his bulletin slagging off the miserable english football, the countless political scandals over here, etc? too much to choose from, it must be overwhelming even for a comedian! much like easter and christmas coming at once.


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