Wednesday, April 22, 2009

slim or pay!

what countless tv shows, vogue, and fatbashing research (*fat people cause climate change*) did not achieve, ryanair made it happen: i am thinking about slimming down. why? according to spiegel online, the no-spills airline *is considering* an extra fee for overweight passengers. slim waists for slim wallets on the world's leanest meanest airline. what more motivation does a size 14 frequent cheap flyer need?
i wonder how will this be tested and enforced. simple, i guess: building on the cabin luggage test, just make all passengers test a mock seat at check in, and if there is some flesh spillage over the armrests, charge them.
what could be next...? life wests only for passengers with a bmi of 18 or less? not a bad idea!
thanks ryanair for pimping my flight!

PS: i considered the possibility that this was a delayed april fool's joke. but then spiegel online, germany's foremost news website, would have fallen for it. and after all, don't all ryanair announcements sound like jokes?


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