Monday, January 22, 2007

throwing in the towel

for the 3rd time in 3 months i'm being tasked to develop a new brand.
all for the same service! for the same launch date!
as the german saying goes: *aller guten dinge sind drei*
the first 2 attempts have all been scrapped after it turned out that legal had not done their homework properly and the brand name was already in use. unexpectedly so.
mamma mia, how embarrassing is that! for my company, but by extention also for me!
my agencies are happy of course because of all the repeat business they get. let alone the practice.
the sad thing is that i already have new ideas.
this is dangerous.
i am in the process of detachment, i need to let go.
someone else can have ideas.
i'm glad i did what i did last week.
i need to worry about my future, not the future of my ex-company.
a new start, as they say.


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