severely wintertime-lagged i researched the world wide wonder and found an entertaining blog for you girls. single or not, looking or not. late night or early morning. enjoy.
my presentation at uni went well, thank you. i had prepared (= researched on the web, read big, serious books, typed up arguments and printed them out) 5 pages of bullet points... and then did not look into my notes once. why did i bother?
at soas, everyone is a marxist. i, who grew up in a wannabe-marxist country, and who knows the difference between ideal and reality, am not. a german saying in intellectual, bildungsbuergertum circles goes like this: *if you are not a marxist at 18, you have no heart. if you are a marxist at 30, you have no brain.*
well, i wish them luck with their historic mission. they have a long way to go!
in case your eagle eyes hadn't noticed - i have been putting very large pics in my postings, which are meant to make my homepage look more attractive. does it work? does my bum look big enough in this?
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