Friday, April 28, 2006


my word of the day. actually, of the month. makes my hairs stand up.
we are, according to everyone with a sociology degree and a left-wing attitude, living in times of a growing precarisation of society. the official definition, and definition means it's now an official buzzword, is *a growing transformation from guaranteed, permanent employment to less well paid and more insecure jobs*. hang on, does that not mean that we all live in a precarious situation unless we are civil servants or millionaires? which job is ever *secure*? who ever does not feel *underpaid* and *overworked* at some point in their work life? we can finally group together and develop some class conscience as a precariat. to keep with the marxist jargon.

let's just be aware that we, the precariat, are part of a very large majority on this planet. most earthlings have been in precarious jobs most of their lives. in fact, it is the job guarantee that's the odd modern day phenomenon in welfare states such as germany or sweden. or italy, where an employee is practically unsackable once he has made it into permanent employment. we should be ever grateful for our ancestors to have fought for the working conditions we had, say, 15 years ago, when the dream of secure workplaces began to fall apart.

the precariat's weapon in class struggle is on the field of consumption, as our way of being exploited and funnily also our escapist drug is... shopping! no money to invest into our future, but enough to put back into the economy at the point of sale.

therefore i cry: precarians of all nations, renounce!


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